Monday, August 30, 2010

What in the world?

This is a popular statement of unbelief.  However, my question is what in the world is going on?  Hmm...I think that Marvin Gaye posed the same question back in the day.  With Hurricane Earl out in the Atlantic somewhere, I was thrown off while watching the news over the weekend and the reporter, who was live in remote from New Orleans said that we are "celebrating the 5th anniversary" of Hurricane Katrina! 

I am sure that the displaced residents of New Orleans' 9th Ward are not celebrating.  That city will never be the same.  Katrina has left an indelible mark on the city, and its inhabitants.  I am happy to see that NOLA is rebuilding, but am having a hard time celebrating Katrina's five year anniversary.  What in the world?

As we are transitioning into Labor Day coming up soon, our nation will be observing September 11 (9/11).  Who would have thought back on a crisp cool morning, that I remember very vividly; that we would be where we are now in 2010.  What in the world?  I feel so badly for our Muslim brothers and sisters, yes -- brothers and sisters.  In the eyes of the Almighty, we are family.  There is so much hatred, and fear of Islam.  The mere discussion of building an Islamic Center has all of NYC all knotted up in a tizzy.  Even during this holy season of Ramadan, the Arabic world is afflicted with so many issues and challenges.  What in the world?

If the truth be told, we're more similar that we are different.  Why can't we just COEXIST?  I leave you today with the words of, The Right Reverend Mark Sisk, Bishop of the Diocese of New York.  ‎"The plan to build the Islamic Center near Ground Zero is, without doubt, an emotionally highly charged issue. But as a nation with tolerance and religious freedom at its very foundation, we must not let our emotions lead us into the error of persecuting or condemning an entire religion for the sins of its most misguided adherents."

Remember to COEXIST with everyone -- Peace,

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