Saturday, August 7, 2010

So, Where's the change?

This seems to be the big question.  Has change truly come to America?  Where is the promised change?  My personal response to the latter is...I don't know.  or as we would say in text lingo "IDK." 

In this time of economic uncertainty, downturn, ridiculous unemployment, oozing oil in the Gulf of Mexico, wars and rumors of war, I just don't know.  To my brothers and sisters that are holding out for that job, I pray that you find the strength to keep going.  It makes me think twice before I complain about mine.  For the service men and women fighting what seems to some as a pointless war, my prayers for a speedy return home to your family are yours.  For everyone in the Gulf region that was affected by the oil spill, I pray for your loss and your continued patience and strength.

It just seems to me that we are majoring and minoring on what is not significant.  As badly as I would love to be in Palma de Mallorca with First Lady Obama, is it my place to judge, criticize or complain about her well deserved vacation?  Believe me, I LOVE SPAIN! 

My challenge to you today is to think about your personal situation; in the grand scheme of things, and remember it could be worse.  Here lies my question again.  So, Where is the change?  I think that the change is evident all around us.  It is incumbent upon us to be change agents of love, equality and justice for all people.  Change agents are transitional in both thought and action.  That means that they are always doing something productive. 

Be a change agent.  Dare to be different!  Are you a part of the problem or the solution.  Nothing is rarely accomplished by complaining.  Change has come and you are the change.


"Be the change you want to see in the world."  Gandhi

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