Thursday, August 12, 2010

Life is good!

Whether I see it on the back of a car--or on a T-shirt, this is one of my favorite adages of the 21st century.  It makes me realize that however chaotic, dramatic or traumatic circumstances are, that life is STILL good, because it could be worse.

I must admit that each time I see the little stick figure guy enjoying what seems to be life on Easy Street, I always get chuckled and begin to beam.  However, I was troubled by a recent news story concerning  R&B singer, Fantasia Barrino's suicide attempt.  Whatever her reason(s), we are not here to judge.  I simply feel that even with the lifestyle of singing, recording studios, performing in the Color Purple, lights, camera and action that she just lost sight of the fact that life is good.  Was it possible that for a few seconds, she forgot about the friends and relatives that she would leave behind?

As the survivor of a close relative that committed suicide, it is painful.  You are constantly plagued with the "If I would have dones, I should have dones, and the If I had it to do all over agains."  In time, it does get easier.  In this jacked up economy, sky rocketed gas prices, extreme unemployment and heat (here in the South), don't forget to remember that "Life is Good!"  The challenge for today is simple:  Think about the people who would be impacted if you were not here and how their situations would be different because of your presence in their lives.  Keep your head up, but most importantly, keep the faith!


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