Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Why me?

You ever have one of those days when EVERYTHING goes wrong?  You overslept.  The car won't start.  The children and pets are tripping out hard.  You get to work, late of course, and suddenly remember that you left your lunch at home.  Then, the spouse or insignificant other starts acting crazy too.  The list goes on and on.

In times like these remember that you can have peace and order in the middle of a semi-chaotic situation.  I think that the more appropriate question would be; Why not me?  Tests, and trials come our way to make us strong in faith and persistent in patience.  Surprisingly enough, the Greek word for test is peirasmos, which means test or trial, by means of trouble, conflict, confrontation or persecution.

Does this mean that on test days, my students think that I am persecuting or afflicting them in some written or spoken manner?  Perhaps, but know that your true potential will not come out until you've stood the test in the pressure cooker.  Remember that you cannot have a TESTimony, without having gone through a test.


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