Saturday, October 9, 2010

Your mark on humanity

Have you ever thought about your mark on humanity?  Or better yet, have you thought about the impact of your presence in the lives of others?  While attending a funeral, I heard the eulogist say, that it's not the dates of sunrise and sunset (birth and death), that count, but rather the dash between the two years.  The dash represents the life that the deceased lived.

This really got me to thinking.  The dash, a simple line is representative of one's life.  How you lived, how you treated others and how you were treated by others.  I think that sometimes we forget how closely linked our lives are with the lives of others.  What is your mark on humanity?  What will the dash on your grave marker be?  Will it reflect someone that lived life with passion and gusto?  Will it tell of someone who loved both God and people?  What is your mark on humanity?

I am reminded of a song that was sung at my aunt's funeral.  The song reminds us that "Only what you do for Christ will last."  In everything that we hope to accomplish and gain out of this life, it is imperative that we remember in the grand scheme of things, that only what we do for Christ will last. Imagine how different our world would be, if everything we do is done for the overall betterment of society and the glorious manifestation of God?  What will your life's dash story tell?  Remember, only what you do for Christ will last.  What is your mark on humanity?


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