Sunday, October 3, 2010

Speak Up!

In my twitter news feed on Friday, I saw this tweet from Max Lucado, whom I follow.  "Pentecost makes this promise: if you are in Christ, God's spirit will speak through you."  As we transition from the dog days of summer into autumn and the final stretch of Pentecost, the L O N G E S T  season of the church year, it is important to remember what happened to the early church.

God's long promised spirit was poured out on the believers and the church was born.  My rector described this as the second biblically linguistic event.  You know my inner grammarian and linguist was jumping for joy at this comment.  The first biblically linguistic event was when God haulted the progress of the construction of Babel's tower.  Up to that point, everyone spoke the same language and God jumbled up all the dialects and languages, which -- I'm glad he did, because I would probably not be employed as a Spanish teacher today.

But on the day of Pentecost, when the believers were on one accord, God poured his Spirit out on all flesh amd undid what he had done so many years ago when he confused the language.  Pentecost is an international and multicultural event, not only in Acts 2, but in our everyday lives, and it's certainly not restricted to just the church season.  Remember your power.  You are an ordinary person doing extraordinary things for the Kingdom.  Let God use you and let his Spirit flow through you and speak through you.  Speak up!  If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.


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