Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Lord, Help me to hold out!

Do you find yourself playing the waiting game?  What are you waiting on in life?  I know that one of my non-favorite activities is waiting, especially on people.  I'm reminded of this simple song from the old Baptist Church entitled, "Lord, Help me to hold out."  It goes a little like this.  Lord, help me to hold out.  Lord, Help me to hold out, until my change has come!

This song, which is typically sung by the Male Chorus, or more senior saint reminds us of two things.  First, we have to wait and endure, and secondly; our change will come.  I love this song!  In this microwave generation of instantaneous gratification, it makes waiting even the more difficult.  Think about it, most things in our society are the antithesis of patience.  There's fast food, instant messenger, email, text and the list goes on and on.  Sometimes we even try to put God and ministry into this instant miracle category.

Waiting is challenging, but the prophet Isaiah reminds us, that they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.  Not only will your strength be renewed because the waiting process can be tiring, but you will mount up on wings and soar like an eagle.  Whatever you're waiting for, spouse, job, deliverance from your current job, children's salvation, financial breakthrough, the wayward loved one to do right, or affirmation of your calling into the ministry whether clergy or ordained.  Remember that the Lord will help you to hold out until your change has come, or until you get your blessing or answer.  As you wait, be still and know that he is God.


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