Sunday, September 12, 2010

Church, Mosque, Synagogue, who cares anyway?

Yesterday was the ninth anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center.  As much of a news junkie and aficionado that I am, I purposefully avoided watching the news yesterday.  I just didn't want to relive the images that I have tried too hard to delete from memory.  Then you have the pastor from Florida, who fortunately for us; decided not to burn the Qur'an.  Our Muslim brothers and sisters have just completed there observance of the holy season and Ramadan and our Jewish brothers and sisters are celebrating Yom Kippur and last week celebrated Rosh Hashanah.  As for us Christians, there's nothing too special going on with us.  We are celebrating the longest season in our church calendar, Pentecost, or as the Church of Rome calls it Ordinary Times.  However, there is nothing ordinary about our God.  The Almighty is EXTRAORDINARY!

Christianity, Islam and Judaism are all monotheistic religions.  We are more similar than different.  However our differences have caused wars, hatred, and just plain cruelty.  We all believe in God, to some he's Yahweh, Allah or simply God.  Some of us choose to worship on Fridays, some on Saturdays and some on Sundays (we really love the weekend).   All groups honor the Bible (or parts of it) as holy scripture.  Our Muslim brothers and sisters tend to view the Bible as historic text, which it is, as opposed to the holy inspired word of God.  For Jews, the Bible for them stops at the Book of Malachi.  The issue of Jesus is a whole different caviat.  For Christians, Jesus is the essence of our belief.  For Muslims, he was a good guy and a prophet.  The Jews are still waiting on the Messiah to come.  Nevertheless, all three of these religious groups are bound together by their common patriarch, Abraham.

All three of these groups honor the Golden Rule "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you."  Also, followers of Jainism and Hinduism have some type of Golden Rule reference in their holy writings.  We are more similar than different.  The sooner we realize this and accept it for what it truly is, we'll be okay.  The COEXIST concept is rooted in the Golden Rule.  If we treat others as we want to be treated, there may be peace and justice on this earth, our fragile, island home.  Whether you're going to church today, went to temple yesterday or concluded Ramadan at the end of the week, peace and blessings be unto you! 

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