Monday, September 27, 2010

The gift of enough

If you have access to this blogsite, you more than likely have your own personal computer or access to one.  While I have your attention, have you ever thought about the gift of enough?  Sure, who has everything that they really want, but if you really think about your day-to-day existence, you've always had at least enough to get by.  What is the gift of enough?

It really boils down to needs versus wants.  You need water, you want a bottle of cabernet.  You need food you want a filet mignon.  You need decent transportation, you want the newest Mercedes off the assembly line.  Don't get me wrong, if you have these things and are enjoying them, Praise God.  However in my living and encounters in various social and professional circles, I have seen people with all the previously mentioned items and more, but are still not happy.  There is no joy in their lives, no love in their homes, no peace of mind.  I guess it comes down to money being able to buy you a bed, but not sleep; a house but not a home; sex and temporary attention, but not love and affection.  You really do have enough.

When I think back over my life, I realize that there was always enough, and at times more than enough.  Growing up and even into adulthood there were always special holiday meals and family gatherings. Each year there were always gifts overflowing under the Christmas tree.  I have had some valley moments when I did have everything that I wanted or thought that I deserved, but God through his grace and mercy always had an open door for me to walk through, he always made ways out of now way.  If you don't believe me look around your house, look in your closets, your Frigidaire or Kenmore.  Look at all the technological gadgets and gidgets that you have.  Still think you don't have enough?

One of the things I love about the Lord's prayer, is that it is a powerful prayer that covers all the basic needs of Christian living.  First of all we acknowledge God as Father here on Earth and Heaven, we then reverence his name and bid that his kingdom come and that his will be down in our lives.  Then we ask that he give us food to eat daily, followed by the forgiveness of offenses and trespasses, but the caviat is that we have to forgive in order to be forgiven.   You know that ole' devil gonna ride our coat tail, and so we ask that we not be led into tempation, and deliverance from the evil one.  Then we seal the prayer by reaffirming that the kingdom, power and glory is His forever.  The challenge for today is to find two very different versions of The Lord's Prayer, recite them aloud and think about how God has not only blessed us with enough, but in many situations, more than enough.


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