Monday, August 22, 2011

What's your story?

You know everyone loves a good story from time to time, whether it be fiction, non-fiction, extreme hyperbole, or soap operas for more dramatic effects.  I remember in grade school, my favorite activity outside of recess was story time.  When Peter Cobb spoke to the faculty at work last year, he mentioned that we should begin our meetings with story time.  It is a good break from the norm to hear an inspirational story from our Dean of Faculty or another faculty member.

However the essential question for today is:  What's your story?  We all have one.  There are trials, happy times, victories, losses, follies, and the list goes on and on.  I believe that others are strengthened when we share our authentic stories with them.  They may laugh, they may cry or just shake their head.  Just last night, I was telling a good friend of mine some stories from my high school years shortly after I had gotten my driver's license and my first car.  We were both cracking up at my adolescent follies.  Those were some happy times. 

Honestly, all of my stories don't elicit laughter, some bring a stupor of melancholy, some elicit an immediate, "Thank you, Jesus!"  Beloved, all of our stories have formed us into who we are at this moment.  You are the leading man or lady of the story of your life.  You may be at a point where you are not liking how your story is unfolding, pick up the pen and rewrite your script.  Take control, the choices we make today will be the backdrop for the tomorrows and the next years of our stories.  Your story has an Oscar winning cast with you as the Senior Writer, God, the Executive Director, Jesus, the Producer and the Holy Spirit, the Editor:  I have no doubt that we'll see each other standing outside the Kodak Theatre on the red carpet.  Share your story with someone, you never know who needs to hear it and who might be transformed and empowered by your story.  "We overcome by the blood of the lamb and the words of our testimony."


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