Saturday, August 6, 2011

Laughter for the Journey!!

I should be wishing you Happy Feast of the Transfiguration.  In the Episcopal tradition, August 6 is when we celebrate when Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James and John.  Talk about a mountaintop experience.  Imagine seeing Jesus in glistening white talking to Moses and Elijah.  Surely that would freak me out and humble me at the same time.  Happy Transfiguration!

Today, I want to talk about laughter.  Most people that know me personally, know me to be a bit of a jokster with at times a dry sense of humor.  It has often been said that one has to laugh at life to keep from crying.  Ever have one of those moments where you just couldn't play it off and you had to laugh at yourself?  I have had plenty.  I make it a point to laugh at least seven times daily.  Why seven?  Seven in the number of completion.  Laughter is good for you.  You burn calories when you do it.  Proverbs 17:22 says "A merry heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones."  Another reference also coming from Proverbs says, "Even in laughter my heart may ache, and the end of my joy will be grief." (14:13).  Now that does not go to say that at the conclusion of each bout of laughter you have, that a trial or tribulation is sure to befall you.  It simply reminds us that even in burdensome circumstances, remember to laugh. 

Life does need to be take seriously, because this earthly one is the only chance we'll get to make a difference and be the societal change agent that we are called to be.  People and circumstances will get on your nerves, but add a teaspoon of joy, a pinch of faith, 2/3 cup of prayer and a cup of laughter and you got yourself a recipe for some good living.  Not to say that trials won't come, but when they have passed, as storms often do, you will be able to look at how God preserved you and do one of two things, or possibly both -- Thank God and worship or laugh at how you worried over something that has come and gone and you had no control over it.

Embrace the gift of laughter today and always.  It is a gift.  Charlie Chaplin said "A day without laughter is a day wasted.  You dont want to waste your day away mean mugging and sour pussing, do you?  Bennett Cerf asserts "A person who can bring a spirit of laughter into room is indeed blessed.  I call you BLESSED.  You are blessed of the Most High.  Laugh today, I'm sure that you can think of something to chuckle at.  Whether you LOL, LOLz, LAU, LMB(A)O, ROTFLMBO; laugh with gusto.  A merry heart does good like medicine.  I call you BLESSED with laughter even in adverse situations.  Thanks be to God.


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