Thursday, August 18, 2011

Let's not get weary...

I can remember as a child, I would complain about being tired and my Grandpa James would tell me "Boy you too young to be tired."  Not knowing what he meant, I would mutter to myself, "No, I'm not:"  hoping that my grandfather who had aged, but was still significantly bigger and stronger than I, had not heard me.  The irony is that I find myself saying the same thing to young people that my Grandpa James told me, whether they are students, kids from church or family members.

You know some times you just get sick and tired of frankly being sick and tired.  You get tired of work.  You get tired of school.  You get tired of the significant or insignificant other.  You get tired of the kids and the pets.  You get tired of yourself at times.  Sometimes at work you want to just cuss that co-worker or boss out in Jesus' name.  But that would be foolish, given the scarcity of jobs in 2011.  Sometimes you get tired of taking the high road or being the bigger person.  We all get sick of it, myself included.  In fact if we did'nt get tired physically or in these situations, it would negate our humanity. 

Beloved in Paul's letter to the church at Galatia, he urged us not to get tired.  In order to get a full understanding of the word, read all of Galatians Chapter 6.  I want to focus on verses 9 and 10 of chapter 6.  "And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.  As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith."  It may be more convenient to not do the right thing, but if we hold out and do what we know is right, we will be rewarded in due time.  When is due time?  You'll have to ask the Father of Eternity.  One thing that I've come to realize about God's timing is that it doesn't always fit my schedule, it often intrudes on something that I have planned.  He's never late and he's always on time.  There's a song that the older saints used to sing. 

"He's an on time God, yes he is!  He may not come when you want him, but he'll be there right on time, He's an on time God, yes he is!"  Friends, as Spike Lee used to say "Do the right thing!"  Do the right thing, don't give up, God's got your back.  Let's not get weary in well doing!

Galatians 6:


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