Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Love is the reason...

Love is the reason.  I feel like stepping back to my Baptist roots, indulge me please.  In 1997, the Sidney A. Locks Mass Choir of Cornerstone Missionary Baptist Church in Greenville, NC recorded a CD.  I was really hyped about this CD for two reasons.  (1.) I went to the live in-house recording and (2.) my cousin Melanie, who had just relocated from Milwaukee was a part of the choir and had a solo on the CD.  It's rare that I love any CD in its entirety, but I love that CD, and for the life of me cannot find my copy.

One of my favorite songs on the CD is "Love is the Reason."  It is the first song on the CD and is preceded by a word of exhortation on love, from Pastor Sidney A. Locks.  Beloved, in all things, remember that "Love is the reason."  You are here because of love.  You have been sustained and preserved for these sordid times that try the souls of men because of love.  You are who you are because of love.  Simply put, you are, because of God's love and mercy shown toward you.  There are several interpretations and significances for love in Greek, but the term that I would say summarizes this concept of love that we have is "Agape."  Agape means unconditional love for everything.  As with any gift we receive, it is important that we acknowledge the one who gave the gift and that we pass it on and share it with others. 

Love is the Reason:  Gregory Horton
Love is the reason I'm here today
For God so loved the world that he gave his only son.
And the son gave his life for you and for me,
when he suffered, bled and died on Calvary.

And the banner over this church is love, is love!
Oh the banner over this church
Oh the banner over this church
Jesus is the banner over this church and it's love.

And the banner over my church is love, is love!
Oh the banner over my church is love!
Love is the reason, the reason I live this life!

Go in Peace to love and serve the Lord, knowing that "Love is the reason!"


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