Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A letter from the Rector

The following letter is from the Rev. Canon Robert Wright, Pastor and Rector of St. Paul Episcopal Church in Atlanta, Georgia.  It is something to ponder, as I share similar sentiments.

Brothers and Sisters, I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ. 

I write in response to the report that Osama Bin Laden and others have been killed.  While some will, understandably, rejoice at this news, I do not.  I believe many others around the world do not.  Something other than celebration is required here.  A human being is dead, killed by other human beings.  To say nothing of the many human beings killed over the nearly ten years since the war and manhunt began.
            While it is reported that Osama Bin Laden was a killer himself-and I have every reason to believe that- yet, even killers are human beings made in the image of God.  Some say that justice has been done in ridding the world of Osama Bin Laden, and other "high priority targets," but this is not the justice that Jesus himself lived and taught.  At His arrest the night before his Crucifixion Jesus told His disciples, "...those who live by the sword will die by the sword."  There is no real justice or victory in the killing of Osama Bin Laden, or in any terrorist attack, or in any war, or with the execution of any criminal, only a tragic continuation of violence as a false solution passed on from one generation to the next.

Please do not think me naïve; I was in New York City when hijacked airplanes toppled the Twin Towers.  I was at Ground Zero while the buildings were still on fire ministering to First Responders.  I saw first hand what hate and murder produced, and that emboldens me to say these things to you now:  murder in all its forms is a moral failure, and a confession of our lack of creativity and civility.

Today I ask you to join with me and other people around the world, Muslim and Christian alike in praying for the souls of all those killed: Osama Bin Laden; the men and women of our armed forces; all the families that have an empty seat at their dinner tables; the nameless faceless people in Iraq, Afghanistan Pakistan and finally for ourselves, our nation and our President, that we would recommit ourselves to the justice that Jesus actually taught, " to love enemy, to bless those that curse you; to pray for those who despitefully use you."

Alleluia Christ is Risen!


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