If you're like me, there have been several instances in which you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. In most cases you're frustrated, angry and regretting the choices that led you to that particular moment. I remember when my brother Kelvin and I were in London, traveling with the family. Kelvin and I were simply minding our business, being nice American tourists, but trying not to look too American. My brother and I were on a bus. I cannot recall where we were going, but we were running loose in the British capital. While on the bus, a verbal argument between the bus driver and an irate patron began. Shouts were tossed back and forth between the two men. Our fellow bus traveler was trying to get me and Kelvin to side with him on his argument. Kelvin and I just sat on the bus wondering what was going on? Why were we being dragged into this? As verbal altercation was taking place, I realized that the bus was still moving. After riding for about four blocks of non-stop bickering, the rowdy bus patron was kicked off the bus, with a huff of profanity. My brother and I still laugh about this story very frequently.

I imagine that Simon of Cyrene felt the same way that Kelvin and I did. Here was this man from North Africa in Jerusalem, observing Passover and just minding his own business and got caught up in the public spectacle of Jesus' execution. Simon just popped up on the scene. At this point on the Via Dolorosa, Jesus had already fallen under the weight of his cross. In circumstances like this, the Roman executioners could order that someone else carry the cross beam for the condemned. Simon unfortunately was the closet able bodied man and was forced to carry Jesus' cross. I would imagine that Simon was confused as to what was going on and why he was being dragged into this. He simply wanted to go to the temple and witness the Passover sacrifice. I imagine that Simon was angry at himself for deciding to travel to the temple the route that he had chosen. I personally don't think that Simon carried Jesus' cross out of the goodness of his heart, but coersion. This does not make Simon a bad person, but rather a person that was inconvenienced in order to help a brother out.
I often think that Jesus' disciples didn't get key messages the first time around and had to be reminded by Jesus several times. Jesus told his disciples "Whoever wants to follow me must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me." Whether voluntarily or by force, Simon was a visual representation of what Jesus had told his disciples about taking up their cross and following him. When they reached the place of crucifixion, nothing more is mentioned about Simon at Calvary's hill. I wonder if he hung around and witnessed what would happen later. Did Simon scamper off back into the city? Did he retreat into hiding and grab a bite to eat? What is the lesson to be learned from this? Many times when we think that we're in the wrong place at the wrong time, we are exactly where God wants us to be, so that he might be glorified through our lives.
Dear Lord Jesus crucified, as we travel this journey of life with you at our side, there will be times that we feel as if we are in the wrong place at the wrong time. Give us your all sufficient grace to realize that we are right where God has called us to be. Amen.
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