Friday, March 29, 2013

It is finished - Stations 13 & 14

One of Jesus' saying from the cross, or "Seven last words" was "It is finished!"  At this point, the crowd and the onlookers had gone home to prepare for the Sabbath.  The Roman execution officers had clocked out.  The disciples had probably gone into hiding, fearing for their lives.  Everyone in Jerusalem was probably talking about the crucifixion and the strange events that surrounded it that day.  To human understanding, this was the end of a very sad story.

In Station 13, Jesus' body is taken down from the cross, presumably given to his mother.  I could imagine Mary still in shock, horror and grief as she receives the mutilated corpse of her son.  She is now charged with burying him.  In Station 14, Jesus is buried in a borrowed tomb.  Joseph of Aremithea, was instrumental in all the logistics of Jesus' burial.  The women wrapped Jesus' body in linen and he was laid in a tomb, with the rest of the burial ritual to continue after the Sabbath.

Sometimes in life, we have to face some dead end situations in which it is obvious that it's over, done, and on to the next.  Sometimes in those seemingly dead situations, we realize that it is not finished, but rather the door to a new opportunity has been opened.  Often times pain, loss and rejection steer us in another direction.  A direction of hope, promise and potential.  Look at the seemingly finished situations in your life today and speak life into them.  We know that it is not finished.  Keep the faith!  TO BE CONTINUED!

Dear Lord Jesus crucified, help me to realize that the story is not over.  Your perfect work is not complete in me.  Help me to be patient with myself and others, as we come to realization that it is not finished, but just beginning.  Amen.


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