Thursday, July 28, 2011

Circumstantially speaking

After some much needed R&R, I am back from my BLOGcation and have enjoyed every minute of my summer vacation. With roughly two and a half weeks left of no daily structure, camping out at coffee houses, catching up with friends and colleagues, and dodging the heat, I am very well rested and rejuvenated after a very exhausting end of school year. But thanks be to God, who causes us to triumph in all things!

Contrary to popular belief, I have been very busy and active this summer with Vacation Bible School, Vestry, launching a Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians, and outreach at The Shepherd’s Table soup kitchen, which proved to be a very humbling experience. Recently in my Twitter news feed, I noticed a Tweet from Rev. Jamal Harrison Bryant, Senior Pastor of Empowerment Temple AME Church in Baltimore. The tweet said, “I am no better than anyone else, I just made better choices.” That was a very humbling tweet for me and yet very powerful. As I ruminated over this tweet, I was reminded that I am not better than anyone else. However, I thought about my life a little more closely and thought about some of the decisions I made. Let’s just say that God is rich in mercy and compassion. I can honestly say that my choices are or were not better than anyone else who may be down on their luck in their journey.

I realize more than ever that it was God’s divine providence that kept me from being consumed and further entrapped by the enemy’s snares. I often think about the poem “Footprints.” I can see the times in my life when the trail of two prints reduced to one and I had to be carried through my trial by the Master. I thank God for this revelation. I am not better than anyone else. I have not always made better choices. However, I am a victim of better circumstances. I piggyback off of Pastor Bryant and say to you that: You are not better than anyone else, you just made better choices. You are a victim of better circumstances. Brothers and sisters, it did not have to be this way. My soul just looks back and wonder, how I got over. Take the love of God with you, proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ wherever you are and be empowered by the Holy Spirit. Thanks be to God.



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