Thursday, January 6, 2011

Don't sweat the small stuff

Yeah, yeah, yeah.  We've heard it and maybe have even said it.  But, one of my personal goals for 2011 is not to sweat the small stuff.  To assist me in this, I am reading  "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff...and it's all small stuff" by Richard Carlson, who also wrote "Handbook of Souls."  Reading this book has opened my eyes to the fact that most of the stuff that I concern myself with is really small and trivial.  Over time, I've even developed the habit of allowing the problems and drama of others to become my issues.  Knowing perfectly well that the complexities of my own life would make me a really good case study.

Most people that know me personally get a kick off the fact that I have a very expressive face.  I wear my emotions.  There is no poker face.  My best friend told me if I ever need to know how you feel about something, I just look at your face.  This can be both good and bad.  It gives me a degree of transparency, or what you see is what you get, but I can also see how it may possibly offend people and make me appear to be inapproachable or constantly on the defense.

I guess I am preaching to myself, as I try to obtain a poker face and not sweat the small stuff.  So what, some idiot cut you off in traffic.  Really, what can you do about it?  Someone cut you off in a conversation, within reason, just let them have their say.  It's okay not having to prove that you're right all the time.  As my grandmother would say "Let go and let God."  Will you join me in not sweating the small stuff?


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