Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Humans becoming


Okay, now that I am officially on summer vacay mode, I guess it’s time to dust off the old blogspot.  I am reminded of something that Theo Coonrod, outgoing Head of School at Saint Mary’s said to the senior class during her remarks to the graduating class of 2012 a few weeks back.  She told the class and those assembled that “we are not human beings, but rather humans becoming.”  In her address, Ms. Coonrod told the students that instead of a state of being human, we are humans becoming.  We are always and should be striving to be a better person, a better citizen, a better student, a better mother, father, spouse, significant other, etc. and just a better being, period.  

Achieving human becoming status is a process, and not an event.  I would liken it to a journey.  In a physical journey, we reach a final destination.  It could be around the corner, down the hall, or across the planet.  Wherever your journey leads you, there is always a process of preparation.  The problem with attaining human becoming status is that in the process of “becoming” better, be it financially, materially or spiritually, we are always trying to arrive to a land called There.  Sometimes when we get “There,” we quickly discover that “There” is not there.  Whether it’s the beachfront property, new car, college degree, job promotion, or new opportunities to serve in a faith community; It seems as if we’ve come a long way and made progress, but still have a greater distance to go and more work to do in the land of There.  

As we strive for the status of humans becoming, let’s always be mindful of the fact that life is a journey.  We will have delays, missed connections, extended layovers, cancellations and accidents along the way.  The way of becoming better is in some way a traverse peregrination.  In everything that we become, never lose sight of the One who creates, redeems and sustains us.  In addition, let’s not become so fixated on the destination that we lose sight of the journey.  Life is a trip, embrace it.


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