Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Reach out!

Recently I've been thinking about my childhood.  As a kid growing up, one of the Sunday School and Vacation Bible School songs that we would sing was "Reach out!"  I loved to sing as a child and even still as an adult.  The words to this song are simple and true.  "Reach out and touch someone.  Then you'll understand what love is."

In our world today, there seems to be an absence of sincere and genuine love for humanity.  Perhaps many of us have heard or said.  "Me and my three, you can't be. or Me and my four, no more."  The reality is, that as we work on our relationship with God, reaching up to him in the vertical sense, it is only appropriate that our relationship with our fellow pilgrims on this journey of life would extend on the horizontal. 

As we reach up to God, he would only have that we reach out to others in love, compassion and concern.  Jesus tells us in John 15:12 says "This is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved you."   Beloved we are compelled to reach out to others.  On this last day of the first month of 2012, let's strive to not only reach up to God, but to reach out to others in a spirit of love, compassion and concern.  "Reach out and touch someone.  Then you'll understand what love is."  Got Love?
