Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Evangelism NOW!

Back in my days as a rocking baptist, at my former faith community, just above the choir loft hung a purple banner with gold letters that read "Evangelism Now."  It's funny how I never thought much about that purple banner at Elevation Baptist Church until after leaving.  Maybe at that point, I just looked at it as just church decorum.  But after having had several contemplative experiences with God, I really do believe that T.L. Carmichael, Senior Pastor at Elevation Baptist is really on to something.

Evangelism by definition means zealous preaching and dissemination of the gospel through missionary work, and militant zeal for a cause.  All baptized christians are ministers of Jesus Christ, and our individual lives are  sermons of just how good God has been to us.  The questions that I raise before you are:  How do you disseminate the gospel?  What cause do you have a militant zeal for?  Here in the Bible Belt, there are all kinds of Christians, COGIC, evangelicals, pentecostals, holiness, Catholic, anglicans, baptists, methodists (United, AME, AME Zion) non-denominational and so on and so forth.

In more simpler terms, I think that evangelism is sharing of yourself with others, making connections with others, so that they will see your little light shining and realize that they want: the peace, love and joy that you have.  I don't do this very often, but recently when I was approached by someone in need of assistance, rather than saying "NO" I took time to talk to them and to connect with them.  Every so often I see this particular young man downtown and we hold conversations.  He has a long way to go, but he's on his way.  I don't think that evangelism is thumping our bibles, hymnals and prayer books at those in need, but rather exercising faith filled works for the overall betterment of our world and the times in which we live.  Remember the words of Jesus, "As you have done unto the least of these, you have done unto me."

I am not suggesting that you do a Saturday morning door-to-door neighborhood canvas with bible in tow, but if that is what God leads you to do, then by all means do it.  Think about the people that you have the potential to reach and things in life that you are passionate about and GO make a difference.  As I was looking at the word evangelism, I could not help that in the middle of the word we find "ANGEL."  As you evangelize, be angelic about it.  Be an angel that someone on of the cusp of despair and chaos may need to subside the drama in their life.  Be the angel that an organization or your local church could use to spread the gospel of Jesus, not only in word, but in deed as well.  Evangelism NOW!  Thank you, Pastor Carmichael.


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