Friday, October 8, 2010

Living between

I think that one of the hardest challenges for anyone regardless of religious affiliation, is living between vision and reality.  You may have so many dreams that you want to be manifested in your life, but you're stuck in the reality of your current situations.  How then, do you understand the possibilities of your reality?  I honestly don't think that we realize our true power.  It would probably scare us.  I guess a better question would be:  How do I leave my now and get to my later?

I will answer the question with a question.  How willing are you to move beyond your comfort zone?  We may hate to admit it, but "now" feels good to us.  It is what we know, it is familiar.  But the future, with all its potential and uncertainties can be both promising and fearful, because we are constantly plagued with the "What ifs."  What if I don't get into school?  What if my Master's defense or comps don't go well?  What if I don't get a job?  What if my business fails?  What if I fail? 

What do you believe as it relates to you as a child of God?  Do you believe that God wants you to move beyond where you are now?  Do you believe that there is infinite potential at your disposal?  Do you believe that God wants you to do more than what you are doing at this very moment?  The challenge for today is:  Look beyond where you are.  Keep your eyes on the prize.  You can't plow straight and keep looking back.  There are people in your future who are waiting for you to get from your now to your later, so that you will be a blessing to them and society as a whole.  Take your current reality and navigate the course of your vision.  Remember that you can do all things through Christ, and that you have not been given a spirit of fear.  Believe beyond what you believe, and watch God move in your life.  How big is your God?  How big is your vision?  Think big and unleash your power for excellence.


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