Thursday, September 30, 2010

What have you done for HIM lately? Ooooh...yeah!

As a child of the 80's, I idolized Janet Jackson.  I mean really?  My bedroom was wall papered with Word Up magazine pull out posters of Janet.  Some of Janet Jackson's hits from the 80's include; Rhythm Nation, When I think of you, Control, The Pleasure Principle and my personal favorite, What have you done for me lately?  I am bopping my head to the tune, even as I blog.

The narcissitic side of me asks this question more frequently than than I would like to admit.  There's nothing wrong with a little quid pro quo.  What have you done for me lately?  However, as I shield myself behind the cross, I am compelled to ask you and myself; What have you done for HIM lately?  Now I could bid you peace and a great day and stop blogging.  But let's think about it.  What have you done for HIM lately?

Who is the HIM?  The HIM is your very essence, your being, your connection to the universe and your fellow man.  The HIM is God.  What have you done for HIM, who wakes you up each day with a cup overflowing with grace, mercy and love?  What have you done for HIM who protects you from dangers seen and unseen?  What have you done for HIM, who; when a door is slammed in your face, he opens a window?  What have you done for HIM, who blesses you with the basic necessities of life over and over again?  What have you done for HIM lately?  Oooooh...yeah!

The challenge for today is to do something for HIM, the one who has sustained you and preserved you for such a time as this.  Need some ideas, spend extra time in prayer and meditation, give someone a smile or an encouraging word, invite someone to worship with you, tell him thank you for his many blessings.  I don't care what you do, just do something.  What have you done for HIM lately?


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