Thursday, August 19, 2010

Between the O and the K!

One of my favorite comeback lines to my students when they seem perturbed or agitated, often times with me or some grammar concept is "You'll be alright!"  After making the statement, I normally shrug off and move on to the next order of business in class, because they will figure it out, they will be alright.  I often use this expression with my friends as well.

However, there are times when you may feel that you are not going to be alright.  I have lived life long enough and have come out on top in many situations.  Many times we know that the situation will be OK, but we are often times stuck between the O and the K!  Right now, sitting in my office at the beginning of another school year, I am between the O and the K.  I've managed to keep my sanity thru the closing of many academic years.  I know in May that I will be OK.  But here I am just sitting, with worries, anticipation, anxiety and yes, fear.

What do you do when stuck between the O and the K?  Tell yourself that if you woke up this morning, that is another opportunity to get on the other side of the K.  Sometimes there are situations far beyond our control and the only thing that we can do is pray and meditate.  But think on all the other times you've emerged from a dooming situation and focus on the light at the end of the tunnel.  Remember, "You'll be alright!"  and you will make to the other side of the K in OK!


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